Apple-Google Deal Under Threat Following Antitrust Ruling Against Google [from TechGolly]

Apple-Google Deal Under Threat Following Antitrust Ruling Against Google

(TechGolly) — Apple’s lucrative deal with Google is facing potential termination after a U.S. judge ruled that Google, owned by Alphabet, was operating an illegal monopoly. This agreement, which makes Google’s search engine the default on Apple devices, could be a key point of contention as Google looks for remedies to avoid antitrust actions.

Google currently pays Apple $20 billion annually for this privilege, which, according to Morgan Stanley analysts, accounts for about 36% of what Google earns from search advertising through the Safari browser. This significant financial arrangement highlights the deal’s importance to both companies.

Read more: Apple-Google Deal Under Threat Following Antitrust Ruling Against Google [from TechGolly]